Is a very specific, low amplitude, gentle adjusting technique that our office has successfully used since 1970. Drs. Oliver and Keen Blaker have modified the style from the original teachings to improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Dr. Chad has continued to modify this technique advancing to make this even more effective.
Is the most researched technique in the field of chiropractic today. It addresses the four components of problems; structural, emotional, toxicity, and biochemical effectively targeting the source of many types of problems from the physical to the emotional.
Is among the most advanced treatments for repair of bone, muscle, nerve, tendon, joint cartilage, skin, and some organ tissue. The therapy has been used in Europe for several decades with many studies confirming the effectiveness. Sometimes called low level light therapy is increasingly being used for pain relief, sports related injuries, after surgeries, and degenerative conditions such as arthritis.
Is a soft tissue technique that works to mobilize chronic and acute injuries including surgeries, scar tissues, repetitive use, and sports related injuries. Dr. Chad as the highest level certification, M-3, demonstrating both his commitment and his ability to best serve the patient. This is often an adjunctive therapy used in conjunction with laser therapy.
Is the dietary lifestyle supplying building blocks for the body. It is essential to supply what the body needs in order to rebuild for attaining and maintaining strong mental, physical, and spiritual function. What may be good for someone may not be for another; therefore, a consultation is to help navigate the needs by a comprehensive history and functional physiological exam. Following the recommendations and support are giving with regular follow up appoints to course correct, as one goes, to maximize the performance. A healthy body starts with a healthy nervous system. Good posture and healthy joint function are essential to maintain a free flowing energetic body. By addressing the static and mobile musculo-skeletal systems it optimizes this potential. Exercises and stretches specific to the individuals needs with help the individual accomplish the goals determined by an evaluation.
Is a neurologic approach developed over many years of practice and experience that has the ability to help with pain, muscle spasm, loss of range of motion, and inflammation. Some examples are rheumatoid arthritis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, tordicollis, fibromyalgia, gout, cold and flu viruses
Has long been used to support the body with both acute and chronic conditions. Advances in technology allows the combination of polarized light and homeopathic remedies to be combined in a way that supports the immune system for many conditions including the tick born varieties.
Has demonstrated to change the blood chemistry such that individuals with severe reactions are no longer in need of outside assistance. Seasonal and other environmental sensitivities can be addressed as well.
The Heart Sound Recorder (HSR), records heart sounds to monitor the low frequency component of the heart cycle as a waveform on a PC, to visualizing the rate variability, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. This can then be used on-going to assess and compare current and previous heart cycle wave forms for before and after analysis and trending purposes following treatment protocols.
The test relies on hair & bulb resonance information to reveal challenges that the body has been experiencing over time
Having attained the level of study to Diplomate, Dr. Chad is a certified addictionologist designed by the American College of Addictions and Compulsive Disorders. He offers an effective, drugless approach to breaking addictions with proven success by the courts of Miami, Florida.
Stress is something that can be positive or negative. Identifying and understanding the origins and possible solutions of negative stressors is essential to health years of life.
Offering many detox programs to fit any lifestyle is a service that helps to rid the body of chemicals that cause disease and premature aging. More energy, better mental performance, improved sleep, and weight loss are all benefits individuals get with each program.
Check your progress with a Neural Check Scan.
NeuralChek- Heart rate variability, come in to see how we can help show you where you are, and where you can go with your brain health.
Blaker Integrative Chiropractic LLC
120 Sister Pierre Dr. Suite 405 Towson, MD 21204 USA
Copyright © 2019 Blaker Integrative Chiropractic L.L.C