Come in for a Nutritional Consult
Nutrition is the dietary lifestyle supplying building blocks for the body. It is essential to supply what the body needs in order to rebuild for attaining and maintaining strong mental, physical, and spiritual function.
The 21-day Standard Process Purification Program isn’t just a cleanse diet. It’s a structured program that brings healthy lifestyle habits into focus. It’s designed to purify, nourish and help patients maintain a healthy body weight by eating whole foods, exercising, drinking nutritious shakes and taking supplements made with whole food and other ingredients.* The menu includes a varied abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11. The supplements support the body’s ability to remove naturally occurring toxins. This promotes a state that allows for toxin release.* Please call for more information.
Enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process. Metabolic detoxification is a natural bodily process that consists of 3 major detoxification pathways: Phase I (functionalization), Phase II (conjugation), and Phase III (antiporter activity). In this process, fat soluble compounds must undergo transformation and become water-soluble before they can be excreted.
Immune Active
Provides high potency vitamin C and zinc and features quercetin, NAC, and EGCG to help support a healthy immune response and promote antioxidant processes
“friendly” bacteria that have been shown to support a healthy intestinal environment and immune health.
Blaker Integrative Chiropractic LLC
120 Sister Pierre Dr. Suite 405 Towson, MD 21204 USA
Copyright © 2019 Blaker Integrative Chiropractic L.L.C